NORTH SULAWESI - The police arrested a man with the initials MP who stored methamphetamine-type narcotics in the trunk of a motorbike at a boarding house in the Malalayang area, Manado, North Sulawesi.

Head of North Sulawesi Regional Police Public Relations, Commissioner Jules Abraham Abast, said the perpetrator, a resident of East Likupang, North Minahasa Regency, was arrested on Thursday 12 January, around 20.30 WITA.

"The perpetrator was secured in a boarding house in the Malalayang District area, Manado", said Abast in Manado, North Sulawesi, Friday, January 13, confiscated by Antara.

He said that initially on Thursday, January 12 afternoon, officers received information from the public about allegations of distribution or abuse of methamphetamine-type narcotics in the area.

"Officers then conducted an investigation and arrested the perpetrators. Then an examination was carried out in the perpetrator's boarding room but no evidence was found", he said.

Next, the officers examined the trunk of the perpetrator's motorbike and found a black box containing a small package of methamphetamine along with several methamphetamine extractors.

"The perpetrators and the evidence were then secured at the Manado Police Headquarters for examination, and this case is under further development", he said.

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