DIY - The Gunungkidul District Health Office (Dinkes) appealed to the public to be aware of leptospirosis that could potentially occur during the rainy season.

Head of the Gunungkidul Health Office, Dewi Irawaty, said that throughout 2022, there were 31 cases of leptospirosis, four people died.

"We appeal to the public, especially farmers and breeders, to always wash their hands and feet after leaving the fields to anticipate contracting leptospirosis," he said in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Sunday, January 8.

He said cases of leptospirosis spread have almost the same characteristics as dengue fever or dengue fever. The threat trend will increase during the rainy season.

The difference between dengue fever is caused by mosquitoes. Meanwhile, leptospirosis is mostly caused by mouse urine which contains leptospirous bacteria," he said.

He said the transmission of leptospirosis through germs that enter through wounds in the body. The most common symptoms when infected, namely heat, can cause pain in the body, nausea, vomiting and others, depending on body resistance.

"It can cause death, because those attacked by the kidney," he said, were confiscated by Antara.

Dewi said there was a trend of increasing cases of leptocirosis since 2018-2021. The most cases of leptospirosis occurred last year with a total of 16 cases.

"However, in 2022, there were 31 cases with four deaths. For the highest cases occurred in 2017 with 64 cases and 16 people died," he said.

Dewi added that the prevention of the spread of leptospirosis can be done by implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle. In addition, when doing activities in the fields or fields, they are asked to wear personal protective equipment.

"We hope that residents who experience symptoms of illness will immediately go to the nearest health service. This is needed to reduce the risk of fatality of their illness," he said.

Gunungkidul Regent Sunaryanta reminded the public to continue to maintain health conditions. This method can be done by implementing a clean, healthy lifestyle and eating nutritious food.

In addition, the public is also asked to exercise to maintain endurance, so that they are not susceptible to disease.

"The most important thing is routine and consistent, because with health, activities will be easier and the results will also be optimal," he said.

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