JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) rejected the application as a justice collaborator filed by the suspects in a drug case involving the former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa. The suspects who filed as justice collaborators were former Bukittinggi Police Chief AKBP Doddy Prawiranegara, Syamsul Ma'arif, and Linda Pujistuti. LPSK Expert Syahrial Martanto said that LPSK's consideration in rejecting the suspect's petition as a witness to the perpetrator was because the application for protection submitted did not meet the requirements of the provisions of Article 28 paragraph (2) of Law Number 31 of 2014 concerning the Witness and Victim Protection Agency. "That the testimony of AKBP Doddy Prawiranegara, Syamsul Ma'arif, and Linda Pujistuti is indeed important to reveal the role of Teddy Minahasa, but the disclosure of the narcotics case does not come from the petitioners," Syahrial said in his statement at the LPSK Office, Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, December 13. In addition to rejecting the application as a witness to the perpetrator, LPSK submitted recommendations to law enforcers (Investigators of Polda Metro Jaya and Public Prosecutor of the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office) so that this case gets special attention and handling by separating the applicants from the place of detention Teddy Minahasa and guaranteeing the safety of the applicants while in detention. On the other hand, he said, LPSK still opens space for AKBP Doddy Prawiranegara, Syamsul Ma'arif, and Linda Pujistuti to apply for protection in their capacity/legal status as witnesses in the case file with Teddy Minahasa. "However, the person concerned needs to re-submit a request for protection to the LPSK for further investigation to get a decision from the LPSK leadership," said Syahrial. LPSK also expressed its appreciation to Polda Metro Jaya investigators who have factually taken steps and policies to separate the files of the suspects Doddy, Arief, and Linda and Teddy Minahasa. In addition, the Polda Metro Jaya has also separated their detention places from Teddy Minahasa. "And this is a strategic and important step to provide protection," he said.

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