JAKARTA - TNI Admiral Yudo Margono is just waiting for the time to be officially appointed as TNI Commander to replace General Andika Perkasa. This means that the seat of Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) will later be vacant. Regarding the new KSAL figure, Member of Commission I DPR RI from the Golkar faction Dave Akbarshah Fikarno, assessed that the candidate to replace Yudo must have a proximity or chemistry factor with the TNI Commander. This is important so that Admiral Yudo's vision and mission can be implemented properly in the Navy and the process of building marine dimensions can run continuously. "The chemistry of candidates for KASAL is very important, especially since the elected TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, comes from the sea dimension. If it doesn't connect, it can disrupt future performance," Dave told reporters, Thursday, December 8. In addition to having "chemistry", continued Dave, KSAL candidates must also have the same vision and mission as the elected TNI Commander. Therefore, Dave assessed, it is very important for KSAL candidates to understand what the vision and mission presented by Yudo Margono in the fit and proper test for the candidate for the TNI Commander. "Laksana Yudo explained his vision of realizing the TNI institution as a Patriot of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), by strengthening three dimensions in maintaining state sovereignty," said Dave. It is known, in the vision presented in the fit and proper test, Yudo Margono wants to realize the strength of the TNI as the main defense component. Which consists of a solid, solid, and loyal tri-dimensional combination of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Yudo also mentioned that the position of KSAL will be occupied by Pati TNI AL with the rank of 3 stars or Vice Admiral with five people. However, Yudo was still reluctant to mention the five names. From the data collected, there are several three-star Navy Pati who are considered by the public to have closeness or 'chemistry' with Admiral Yudo Margono. Among other things, Vice Admiral Ahmadi Heri Purwono who is currently Deputy KASAL who accompanied Admiral Yudo to implement President Jokowi's vision and mission, Vice Admiral Amarulla Octavian currently serves as Chancellor of the Defense University, Vice Admiral Nurhidayat who is the Commander of Pushidrosal. In addition, Vice Admiral Heru Kusmanto who is currently the Commander of the Republic of Indonesia, Lieutenant General Suhartono who serves as the Kodiklatal Commander, and Vice Admiral Harjo Susmoro is currently the Secretary General of the National Security Council. Then Vice Admiral Aan Kurnia is currently the Head of Bakamla, Vice Admiral Muhammad Ali serves as Pangkogabwilhan I, and Lieutenant General (Mar) Bambang Suswantono who is currently the Inspectorate General of the TNI.

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