JAKARTA - PT TIKI, Eka Nugraha (JNE), became a trending topic on Twitter last weekend. Netizens are busy calling for a movement to stop using JNE services. The call started with the posting of a video greeting for JNE's 30th birthday from the Secretary General of the HRS Center, Ustaz Haikal Hassan Baras.

Despite receiving negative comments, even to the point of being accused of being affiliated with a particular community organization (ormas), it turns out that this has no impact on JNE's business.

JNE President Director Mohammad Feriadi said the negative sentiment arising from the video upload had no impact on reducing the company's freight traffic. In fact, the company recorded a growth of up to 15 percent.

"There was absolutely no decline in business in December. The growth was 10 to 15 percent for this month," he said, during a press conference, at Jetski Kafe, Pantai Mutiara, Pluit, North Jakarta, Wednesday, December 16.

Likewise, VP of Marketing of PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Eri Palgunadi said, when compared to the same period in 2019, this year JNE is still growing 25 percent.

"If compared to last year we still grew 25 percent. It's still high. We have almost 5 consecutive years growing above 25 percent. But if asked this month we still grew 15 percent," he explained.

Eri denied that the company collapsed due to a negative incident related to the uploading of a video congratulating JNE 30th birthday from Haikal Hassan.

"So if you say collapse or bankruptcy is not at all. In fact, we are still growing. Right now we want the end of the year. We also do not lay off any employees," he said.

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