The meeting of the leaders of the state parliament of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will take place in Bandung City, 24-26 October 2022. There will be 49 delegates from the OIC member countries who will attend.

The police have also prepared security measures. The Bandung City Police (Polrestabes) deployed 350 personnel with an additional four companies of Brimob Polda West Java.

"Bandung Police have prepared a security plan involving security forces from the Bandung Police and the West Java Police," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Aswin Sipayung in Bandung, as reported by Antara, Saturday, October 22.

According to him, there are three places where the meeting will be held, namely the Pullman Hotel, the Savoy Homann Hotel, and the Merdeka Building or the Asian-African Conference Museum.

"We have prepared every delegation, delegation staff and internal guests in the incoming government (to the location) to use an entry identification sign and we have prepared a barcode," he said.

In addition to the three places, according to him, security will be carried out in a number of malls, tourist attractions, and culinary areas because a number of these places have the potential to be visited by delegates from OKI countries.

"We made the place a vital object, especially from the Intel element of the Bandung Polrestabes to secure delegates who will visit the city of Bandung," he said.

In addition, he conveyed to the public that there would be traffic engineering, especially on Jalan Asia Afrika, which contained the Merdeka Building and Hotel Savoy Homann.

"We will close the H-1, we will do a little engineering but there will be no traffic jams for security at the Merdeka Building," he said.

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