JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government will deploy officers and laboratories to support the implementation of urine tests on campus to break the chain of narcotics circulation.

"Officers, labs, from the Health Service, can also work together later," said DKI Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono during a visit to the DKI Jakarta Labkesda, Thursday, October 20.

He assessed that the urine test targeting these students was a good program to prevent widespread drug trafficking.

"It's a good program, later with the Education Office as well," he said as quoted by Antara.

Director of Narcotics Investigation of the Metro Jaya Street, Commissioner Mukti Juharsa, said his party was establishing communication with several universities to routinely conduct urine tests.

Mukti said the program is expected to be able to make the campus a barricade to suppress drug trafficking and guard the morale of the community, especially students.

The main goal is to reduce the number of narcotics users in Indonesia and especially in Jakarta.

"We will 'joint' with several universities for joint urine tests. Hopefully, this program can be successful and smoothly reduce the number of users who will be in Jakarta and Indonesia," said Mukti.

The program began to be implemented in November 2022 with the target of collaborating with as many campuses as possible and the frequency of one test per month.

The background of the program is the increase in the number of narcotics users in Indonesia according to data published by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN).

The data on narcotics users according to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) recorded an increase in narcotics users from 1.8 percent in 2019 to 1.95 percent in 2021.

The risk of women being exposed to narcotics also increased from 0.20 percent in 2019 to 1.21 percent in 2021. The data also states that 88.4 percent of abuse is caused by the influence of friends.

Meanwhile, for the three main reasons for drug abuse, the first is because of an invitation or persuasion from a friend, the second is wanting to try, and the third is for fun.

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