BENGKULU - The Mukomuko Regency Government (Pemkab) involved the local state attorney to control goods assets in the form of official vehicles.

The Head of the Mukomuko District Attorney's Office, Rudi Iskandar, said that his party had cooperated and signed an MoU with the local government through the local financial agency to control goods assets.

"We are controlling the recording of regional government assets in the OPD (regional apparatus organizations) and registered with the goods manager by checking from the bottom to the bottom," he said at Mukomuko, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, October 19.

Rudi said that his party did checks to ensure whether the goods belonging to the state were registered. Including checking the related OPD is still managing or not.

After that, tidying up the administration, for example there is a change in the license plate number of the official vehicle, then his party changes it.

"If it is not changed, the police number will be doubled," he said.

This includes all data and assets belonging to the government because the budget will increase later.

Rudi emphasized, such as the leadership's direction and the KPK's recommendation that it is important to pay attention to the administration of asset registration in the local government.

He said his party helped tidy up the administration and list of assets, both movable and immovable. The reason is that registered vehicles, for example, those that can no longer be used, are there anything that can be recommended to be removed.

"We will look at the history first, then make a report later, all of this will be handed over to the Regent," he said.

The Head of Assets of the Mukomuko Regency Regional Finance Agency, Juni Hardiansyah, said that they helped control goods assets, such as many double records in two different OPDs.

In addition, he said, the state attorney's office will assist the government in determining the future so that asset travel can be accounted for.

"If there is a BPK examination, the agency can present the data," he said.

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