JAKARTA - Hundreds of masses from the Anti-Corruption Papua Student Forum throughout Jabodetabek stormed the building of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office in the South Jakarta area. During the peaceful demonstration, the crowd brought and unfurled a number of posters and banners and also gave speeches in front of the main gate of the Attorney General's Office building.

They protested the slow handling of cases of alleged corruption in the procurement of aircraft and helicopters belonging to the Mimika Regency Government, Papua, worth Rp. 87.5 billion which has been legally processed by the Mimika District Attorney and has also been transferred to the Papua High Prosecutor's Office.

From several posters brought by the mass of action, it was written that the former Head of the Transportation Division, who now serves as Acting Regent of Mimika Johannes Rettob, was immediately arrested and detained.

"We are a Papuan anti-corruption student forum throughout Jabodetabek taking action in front of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, our goal is to immediately identify a suspect in the case of procurement of aircraft and helicopters in Mimika Regency in 2015. This aircraft and helicopter involved the former Head of the Mimika district transportation office in 2015, Johannes Retob. He currently rose to the Acting Regent of Mimika Regency. For this reason, before completing this case, we hope that this will be pushed immediately so that he becomes the Acting Head of the task, all must be clear", explained the protest representative, Nailo Jangkup in a written statement received, Sunday, October 16.

Nailo said, until now, the former Head of the Transportation Service (Kadis) who now serves as Acting Regent of Mimika, Johannes Rettob, the alleged official who misappropriated the budget for the procurement of aircraft and helicopters, had not yet been examined and his status determined as a suspect.

The handling of cases, said Nailo, both at the Mimika Kejari and the Papua Prosecutor's Office, was very slow and even seemed to be dedicated. That's why they urged the Attorney General's Office to take over the case to be handled immediately.

"This case has been processed for a long time at the Prosecutor's Office in Mimika and then increased to the Papua Prosecutor's Office but there is no progress. Therefore, we from students throughout Jabodetabek came to the AGO to ask to immediately follow up on cases currently being handled by the Papuan Attorney General's Office. For that we come demanding that it be processed immediately." he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding helicopters and planes, Nailo revealed that until now his whereabouts are not known, so the benefits do not have a direct impact on Mimika people. In fact, both air transportation tools are vital for the community.

"Indeed, the government bought it with good intentions, but it crashed into the wrong hands. This aircraft has been purchased but where is the service? There is no service in Mimika Regency. People who live in Mimika, if they want to board the plane, must queue for months for 3 months and only get one service. once." said Nailo.

Representatives of protesters were accepted by the Attorney General's Office. They submitted a number of demands.

"We were received by the Head of Enforcement. He said this case had arrived at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office and they were monitoring that nearly 25 witnesses had been examined. In the near future there will be suspects. We will continue to oversee this case to completion." added Nailo.

Meanwhile, the AGO's actions who received representatives of the protesters said that the AGO was continuing to monitor this case. The AGO will also take action against Johannes Rettob if he is proven to have committed a criminal act of corruption.

"Without all of us knowing we have carried out monitoring. This case was previously handled at the Kejari. So that there is no conflict of interest. So that this case continues, this case is withdrawn to the Prosecutor's Office. The progress of this case continues. Now we are waiting for the process of state losses. Everyone involved, let alone Johannes Rettob, if anyone else is also involved in this case, we will continue to take action as long as there is evidence. We are perpendicular to this case. We will process it later." explained the AGO.

The Mimika Regency Transportation Service, Papua is in the spotlight. This follows allegations of corruption related to the purchase of two types of aircraft and helicopters worth Rp. 85 billion.

The two types of aircraft purchased by the Mimika Transportation Agency are Cessna and the Airbus helicopter, with a total budget of IDR 77.8 billion.

"The procurement of aircraft and helicopters comes from the Mimika Regency APBD for the 2015 to 2022 fiscal year. With the details of the procurement of the Cessna Grand Caravan aircraft, it is budgeted at IDR 34 billion and the Airbus H-125 helicopter is worth IDR 43.8 billion", said the Papuan Attorney General's Office, Nikolaus Kondomo, via a press conference video, recently.

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