JAKARTA - The house of actress Wanda Hamidah was vacated by Satpol PP, police, and TNI today. Head of DKI Jakarta Satpol PP Arifin revealed that there had been a warning letter regarding the emptying since some time ago.

This warning letter, said Arifin, was issued by the Mayor of Central Jakarta twice.

"There is SP 1 (which has been issued since) a number of days, SP 2 so many days, it was the Mayor who issued it," said Arifin when contacted, Thursday, October 13.

Arifin did not want to comment on the emptying of Wanda Hamidah's house, which had caused the chaos. Satpol PP, said Arifin, just handling and implementing regional regulations (Perda).

"Pol PP yes (was also present at the location), as one of the elements there, participating in the context of handling related to regional regulations," he said.

Previously, the execution of houses carried out by Satpol PP and the Central Jakarta City Government in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, was chaotic.

The incident was recorded on camera and uploaded to the Instagram account @wanda_hamidah. Wanda also asked for help from the National Police Chief's Instagram account to President Joko Widodo.

"We ask for legal protection from Mr. @jokowi, Mr. @aminuddin.maruf, Mr. @mohmahfudmd, Mr. @kapolri_indonesia, over the land and houses you have lived in from 1960," Wanda Hamidah wrote on her Instagram account.

"From the alleged arbitrariness carried out by the Mayor of Central Jakarta on the orders of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, whose term of office has been completed for three days," he continued.

Meanwhile, Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin confirmed the execution activity in the Cikini area, Menteng. However, he did not know who the owner of the house would be executed by the Satpol PP.

Komarudin said that the security for the execution of the emptying of houses in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta was carried out by police officers based on a letter from the Mayor of Central Jakarta.

"Based on a letter from the Mayor of Central Jakarta regarding a request for assistance in securing the control of houses that are assessed or houses that are considered illegal residents," Komarudin told reporters.

Kombes Komarudin detailed that the basis for controlling is because the occupants of the house only have a SIP (residential permit). "The person concerned or the occupant of the house only has a SIP (resident permit) that has been dead since 2012. This means that if the residence permit (latest) does not have it," he explained.

So, according to Komarudin, those who are allowed to live in the house are the people who are allowed to use it on the basis of permission from the Regional Government.

"So, there is no reason not to have a certificate. That's why assets from the government have died since 2012," he explained.

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