YOGYAKARTA Heru Budi Hartono's career journey was highlighted after he was appointed by President Joko Widodo as Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta to replace Anies Baswedan.

As is known, Heru Budi replaced the position of Governor of DKI in the session of the Final Assessment Team (TPA) which was led directly by the President on Friday, October 7. Previously he served as Head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres) since July 20, 2017.

Heru Budi Hartono was born in Medan, North Sumatra on December 13, 1965. He was born to couple R. Moelyoto and Suhartiyah. In addition to Heru Budi Hartono's profile, his career has also received the spotlight of the public.

Heru's career in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is indeed quite long. He has held several important positions. This means that he is not a new person within the DKI Provincial Government.

At the beginning of his career, Heri became a Civil Servant (PNS). In 1993 he served as Special Staff (Staffsus) for the Mayor of North Jakarta. Two years later, in 1995 to be exact, he was promoted to Head of Sub-Division of Facilities and Infrastructure of North Jakarta in 2002.

Heru's work in North Jakarta continued until 2008. At that time he occupied the General Head's seat. His journey was up again.

In 2013, Heru had an office at City Hall because he was appointed Head of the Regional Head Bureau and Foreign Cooperation of DKI Jakarta Province.

When Jokowi served as Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru was appointed Mayor of North Jakarta in 2014. Quoted from north.jakarta.go.id, Heru's appointment was made because he knew a broad knowledge of North Jakarta so that he was believed to be able to solve the existing problems.

Heru's journey as Mayor of North Jakarta stopped on January 2, 2015. Even so, his career continued. He was later appointed Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Asset Financial Management Agency (BPKAD) for the period 2015 to 2017.

During his career in the DKI Provincial Government, Heru was not only close to Jokowi. He is also close to Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok. At that time he was even lined up to accompany Ahok as a candidate for Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta in the 2017 DKI Pilkada.

At that time Ahok planned to run for governor of DKI with an independent route. However, this intention failed after Ahok decided to run through the path of political parties. Meanwhile, the candidate for Deputy Governor who accompanied him was Djarot Saiful Hidayat.

Krisna Dwipayana University's alumnus career journey was deg. In mid-2017 he was later appointed Head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasetpres) in the Joko Widodo era. The decision was conveyed through the Session of the Final Assessment Team (TPA).

Heru's position as Presidential Decree ended after five years. He is now appointed as Acting Governor of Jakarta to replace Anies Baswedan who stepped down to become Governor on October 16.

President Jokowi appointed Heru Budi Hartanto not without reason. The President even admitted that he knew Heru's track record during his career.

"I've known Mr. Heru for a long time, since I was mayor in DKI, then when I held the financial body. I know very well the track record in terms of work, capacity, ability, I know everything," explained Jokowi at the Presidential Palace, Monday, October 10.

Heru is also considered capable of communicating with other parties. Therefore, he is believed to have established trust between the DKI Provincial Government and the DKI DPRD, the central government, institutions, and other communities.

That's information related to Heru Budi Hartono's career journey. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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