JAKARTA - Regional Representative Council (DPD) member, Sylviana Murni, appreciates Anies Baswedan's performance in leading DKI Jakarta during the 2017-2022 period.

"I quite admire her, even though I was a former competitor in the 2017 DKI Regional Elections", explained Sylviana Murni, in Jakarta, Monday 10 October.

She said, Anies never claimed that the success of Jakarta's development was his own work, but the result of teamwork and joint work.

"As a 31-year-old bureaucrat in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, I follow the administration of seven governors", she said.

The chairman of the Indonesia Regional Representative Council (DPD RI) Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSP) explained that various parties have admired the performance of Anies Baswedan's five years of leadership. Anies has succeeded in implementing nearly 70 percent of the regional medium-term development plan (RPJMD).

She gave an example of several programs completed including Jakpreneur, Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus, building land tax exemption (PBB), sidewalk arrangement, and integrated transportation.

This appreciation, he said, includes the achievement of Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) for four consecutive years and the implementation of vaccination in Jakarta is the highest in Indonesia, even now it has reached over 100 percent.

Sylviana explained that in the village structuring program, Anies had organized three urban villages in DKI Jakarta using the "community action plan" approach. She explained that residents were actively involved in providing input on residential designs.

In addition, the DKI Provincial Government involves legal and housing experts to help formulate a management scheme and use of flats that focus on residents.

She said the construction of three urban villages, namely Susun Akuarium Village, Kampung Susun Eks Bukit Duri, and Kampung Susun Kunir was a form of commitment to ensure that residents get decent housing when their homes have to be relocated for the public interest.

According to her, the issue of being satisfied or dissatisfied with Anies Baswedan's performance while leading DKI Jakarta is a common thing. However, based on the results of polls conducted by several survey institutions, the majority of the people of DKI Jakarta are satisfied with the performance and fulfillment of Anies' political promises.

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