Rain Deras, 4 Trees In Central Jakarta Contributed, There Were No Life Victims
Officers evacuate fallen trees in Central Jakarta/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Heavy rain accompanied by wind that hit the Central Jakarta area on Wednesday afternoon, October 5, caused 4 trees to fall. Head of Central Jakarta City Parks and Forests Sub-dept., Mila Ananda, confirmed that a fallen tree had hit Central Jakarta, although the location points were different.

"Rain that continues to pour in the Central Jakarta area makes some trees fall at several points," said Mila when confirmed by reporters, Wednesday, October 5.

Mila also said that there were 4 points of fallen trees located in Suropati Park, KH Street. Mas Mansyur, Duri Pulo 1 Street and Prasasti Park.

"Alhamdulillah, there were no injuries or fatalities, only the damaged power lines, garbage bins and cars in Suropati Park," he said.

Mila said the fallen tree was a tree in a public area. And his party has also anticipated it by doing regular pruning in Central Jakarta.

"We do routine pruning of trees that look like they have fallen to anticipate the rainy season," he said.

In order not to happen again, his party deployed 70 park task forces to trim trees in eight sub-districts.

"We have deployed 70 personnel to cut in eight sub-districts," he said.

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