JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, invited the whole world to support UNRWA (the UN agency tasked with assisting Palestinian refugees), affirming Indonesia's commitment to assisting the handling of Palestinian refugees.

"Indonesia has always firmly supported UNRWA's activities and helped Palestinian refugees", said Foreign Minister Retno at the Ministerial Meeting on UNRWA in New York, United States, citing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement on September 23.

On that occasion, Foreign Minister Retno also expressed concern about the attitude of the international community, which seemed to consider the fate of Palestinian refugees as something normal.​

"Even though Palestinian refugees have the right to enjoy life like the life we ​​live", she stressed.

On that basis, the Foreign Minister invited the international community to work together to help UNRWA, especially since the agency is currently handling about 5 million Palestinian refugees.

It is known, UNRWA, or the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, began its activities in 1950, to help Palestinians displaced by the creation of Israel. Currently, UNRWA is experiencing financial difficulties.

To find a solution to UNRWA's difficulties, a ministerial meeting was held, co-chaired by Swedish Foreign Minister, Anne Linde, and Jordanian Foreign Minister, Ayman Safadi.

Foreign Minister Retno stated that two things can be done to help UNRWA.​ First, overcome UNRWA's financial constraints. She said Indonesia has always provided support for the extension of UNRWA's mandate and financial contributions.

Second, ensuring that UNRWA is carrying out its duties properly. For this matter, said Foreign Minister Retno, Indonesia supports the Secretary General's plan to increase UNRWA's budget through mandatory contributions.​

He added that support for UNRWA is part of efforts for a peaceful solution to the Palestinian issue.

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