JAKARTA - The Public Prosecutor (JPU) presented Brigadier Junjungan Fortes who served in the National Police's International Relations Division as a witness in the case of alleged gratification for the removal of red notice for the defendant Joko Tjandra.

During the trial, Brigadier Junjungan Fortes said that he received orders from Brigadier General Prasetijo Utomo to write a letter on behalf of Anna Boentaran, Joko Tjandra's wife, addressed to Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte as Head of International Relations Division (Hubinter).

"He (Brigadier General Prasetijo) ordered me to make a letter from civilians to Kadiv Hubinter," Fortes said during a trial at the Corruption Court in Central Jakarta, Thursday, November 26.

Brigadier General Prasetijo, said Fortes, ordered him by telephone, on April 9, 2020. The contents of the letter stated that Joko Tjandra was innocent.

So, Fortes immediately wrote the letter on the same day. After completing the letter, the letter was immediately sent to Brigadier General Prasetijo.

"I did it the same day then I sent it the next day to him (Brigjen Prasetijo) via Whatsapp," he said.

"I remember the letter in two sheets, and it consists of 3 paragraphs. First, I type a thank you from Anna to the Head of Division, paragraph two, verdict, paragraph three states that Djoko Tjandra is an innocent person," he continued.

After a while, Brigadier General Prasetijo returned to contact him to ask to change several things from the contents of the letter. One of them is to include the name of Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte.

"There is something that must be edited, he contacted me by telephone. I added the name of Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte," he said.

In this case, Joko Tjandra was charged with violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to the Law. Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st KUHP Jo. Article 65 paragraph (1) and (2) KUHP.

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