SEMARANG The Central Java Police gave awards to 9 Satwil and 168 outstanding Central Java Police personnel. The award was given directly by the Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi while leading a morning rally at the Central Java Police Headquarters, Monday 5 September.

"The award is given as a form of appreciation for personnel who excel and have given service beyond the call of duty," said the Kapolda.

A number of Central Java Regional Police officials seemed to have also received awards, including Dirlantas Kombes Pol Agus Suryo Nugroho, Dirreskrimum Kombes Pol Djuhandani, Dirresnarkoba Kombes Pol Luthfi Martadian, Kabidhumas Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy and Kabidpropam Kombes Pol Mukiya.

The officials along with a number of their members received awards related to their respective fields.

Dirlantas Kombes Pol Agus Suryo Nugroho, for example, along with 15 members received awards for outstanding in producing the Go Sigap application.

Meanwhile, the Head of Humas Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy and 15 members received awards related to media management so that it had a positive impact on the stability of Kamtibmas in Central Java.

In addition, a number of Polres ranks also received awards, including the Karanganyar Police, Pati Police, Wonogiri Police, Surakarta Police, Sukoharjo Police, Banyumas Police, Purworejo Police, Semarang Polrestabes, and Cilacap Police.

The nine regional units are considered to have excelled through various breakthroughs and innovations in providing services to the community. In addition, it has also succeeded in uncovering various prominent cases that have attracted the attention of the public in their area.

In the personnel who received the award, the Kapolda expressed his appreciation. 168 award-winning personnel are considered to have worked optimally so that they exceeded the call for duty they had carried out.

"On behalf of the Central Java Police, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation so that it will be a trigger for other members that wherever you serve and whatever you do, as long as you are done sincerely by providing the best service, you have the right to get a reward from the leadership," explained the Kapolda.

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