JAKARTA - Muhamad-Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo, candidate pair number 1 in the South Tangerang regional election (Tangsel), promised a safe, comfortable and prosperous program for the city of Tangsel.

"Based on Pancasila and UUD 1945 and framed NKRI summarized in Tangsel for all. We serve, in development, do not discriminate between various ethnicities, races, religions and cultures. We will proceed to Tangsel Amanah, safe, comfortable, friendly and happy, ”said the candidate for mayor of Tangsel, Muhamad, opening the South Tangerang regional election debate broadcast on Youtube Kompas TV, Sunday, November 22.

Meanwhile, the candidate for vice mayor of Tangsel Saraswati or Sara said that diversity must be preserved and can be the pride of Tangsel City residents.

"But this diversity is very vulnerable to social inequality and conflict. Because social inequality is very real in Tangsel. We are sure that if the citizens are united, they will be able to realize the 'T', the government is transparent and A, accountable with leaders who are 'N' who are truly devoted, "said Sara.

This Gerindra politician emphasized that he would not present an authoritarian government. In fact, all policies in the development of Tangsel City will be based on the spirit of mutual cooperation (G) for the realization of a prosperous citizen (S).

"E was lovely and L, noble of the people," said Sara.

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