Doni Monardo Orders Rizieq Crowd Tracing From Petamburan Village Head
Followers welcome Rizieq Shihab's return to Petamburan (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

JAKARTA - The head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Lt. Gen. Doni Monardo, asked the Regional Health Service to pay attention to the COVID-19 case in a crowd of supporters of Rizieq Syihab, both in Jakarta and Bogor. Lurah Petamburan Setiyanto, who was confirmed positive, could be the starting point for tracing cases.

"Start with tracing from the Head of Petamburan Urban Village. Furthermore, the mass test from all nuclear families is positive," he said, in a written statement quoted on Sunday, November 22.

He revealed that the mass test was part of an effort to break the chain of transmission of the corona virus. Support from all parties is needed so that the virus can disappear. Doni asked the tracking officers to use a persuasive approach so that the community would be willing to work together.

"This effort will not be successful without the support of all parties. Therefore it needs good and harmonious cooperation. Everything must be done with a humanist approach," he said.

Doni also appealed to residents involved in the crowd to voluntarily test the swab. Community leaders and RT / RW heads were asked to confirm the appeal.

"The swab test at the Puskesmas is free of charge. For those who are positive, the government provides independent isolation facilities. Don't hesitate to take the test, and don't be afraid if it's positive," he said.

The regional head must anticipate the crowd

Doni also asked regional heads, including all Governors, to anticipate crowds due to socio-religious activities that might be held in their regions.

"Prevent and deter from an early age, do not let crowd activities that violate health protocols occur," he said.

To religious and community leaders, Doni also called for them to be role models in implementing health protocols. He emphasized that COVID-19 is something real, not engineering.

"There are thousands of victims, including medical personnel. We have been working hard for eight months to control its spread. Please don't disappoint the results of our hard work so far," he said.

In addition, Doni also emphasized that in enforcing community discipline to implement health protocols, they must uphold the principle of non-discrimination. This means that the state in disaster management does not provide different treatment for gender, ethnicity, religion, race, and any political ideology.

"Salus populi suprema lex. People's safety is the highest law. That's our principle," he said.

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