JABAR - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) admits that the number of people with HIV/AIDS detected in its area is high.

Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana said that as of Thursday, August 25, there were more than 5,000 cases of HIV/AIDS in Bandung.

"Maybe it could be bigger. I also don't know why suddenly (the sufferer) is a student, or who," said Yana in Bandung, West Java, Thursday, August 25.

According to him, the phenomenon of the high rate of HIV/AIDS in Bandung is like the tip of the iceberg, because only thousands of new cases have been detected.

Yana ensured that her assistant and related agencies would immediately coordinate with the AIDS Commission (KPA) to address this phenomenon. According to Yana, the skyrocketing cases of HIV/AIDS in Bandung must be anticipated immediately.

Regarding a common problem, namely the lack of openness for people with HIV/AIDS to consult, Yana said it was slowly being overcome. One of them, continued Yana, is that the Bandung City Government ensures that HIV/AIDS testing in Bandung is free of charge. "I also don't blame the survey method. But this is just a warning for us. Yana.

Furthermore, Yana said that the Bandung City Government would conduct more detailed data collection related to people living with HIV/AIDS by cooperating with the KPA and the AIDS Concerned Citizens (WPA). As is known, based on the Antara report, the Bandung City KPA noted that there were 5,943 people domiciled in Bandung City who were living with HIV/AIDS. KPA Bandung City stated that people with HIV/AIDS were dominated by students and housewives.

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