JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) has asked PT PLN (Persero) to make a report by filling out the Incident Response Form regarding the alleged leak of 17 million user data on the breached.to website whose information was spread on Twitter on Friday morning.

"The Kominfo itself has submitted and sent the incident form, the incident response form has been sent, we are waiting for the report so we will investigate it later and do an audit of what happened there," said Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Jakarta, Antara, Friday, August 19.

According to Johnny, the potential for data leakage at PLN may occur and is currently being investigated, but he confirmed that the data suspected of being leaked were not existing data or current data.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics does not only coordinate with PLN but also with the National Cyber Password Agency (BSSN) to tackle this leakage problem.

"Until now, it was conveyed to me that there could be a data leak at PLN, but the data leak is not related to existing data at PLN, maybe it's old data. said Johnny.

From the PLN report, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics will conduct a thorough audit of the technology for PT PLN's cybersecurity. If it turns out that problems are found and data leaks occur, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will provide recommendations from the audit.

"If it leaks, there are already rules. Starting from the lowest warning, namely administrative sanctions, the lowest will definitely be warnings. But before the warning is given, Kominfo conducts an audit of security technology in the system operator," said Johnny.

Previously, internet users on Twitter reported the alleged sales of more than 17 million PLN customer data. Based on the screenshot shared, it shows the breached.to website with an account named "loliyta", which claims to sell PLN user data.

Citing the page, some of the PLN customer data that is claimed to be sold include field ID, customer ID, customer name, energy type, KWH, home address, meter number, meter type, to the name of the UPI unit.

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