JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, said Pancasila is the strength of the nation. Leaving him is the same as having uprooted his identity and betrayed the spirit of the founding fathers of the nation.

This was conveyed by Puan during a speech at the Joint Session of the DPR RI and DPD RI today, Tuesday, August 16. Pancasila, he said, is the most important national force in maintaining state life.

"Leaving Pancasila is the same as uprooting the nation's identity from its deepest roots and betraying the mandate of the founding fathers of the nation," said Puan in her speech broadcast on the DPR RI YouTube.

The withdrawal of Pancasila, continued Puan, also resulted in the loss of friendly characters to mutual cooperation in the community.

In fact, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia has become a nation that puts forward the power of gotong royong.

"Replacing Pancasila will have an impact on the loss of character as a friendly, tolerant and cooperative nation," he said.

Furthermore, Puan reminded that Indonesia must continue to grow in the political, economic, social and cultural fields. The ability must be further honed so that this country can stand on its own feet and always be based on Pancasila.

"We as a nation and state are increasingly required to have the ability and strength in the political, economic, social and cultural fields in order to realize a sovereign, independent, and personal Indonesia based on Pancasila," he said.

"The commitment and togetherness that comes from love for the homeland and the ideals of the Indonesian nation as an Indonesian nation as a nation that has Pancasila and has Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," concluded Puan.

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