MEDAN - North Sumatra Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) member from the Golkar faction, Zainuddin Purba, plans to carry out a single action in front of the North Sumatra Police Headquarters (Poldasu). The action was carried out because he was concerned about the high circulation and use of drugs in the Kutalimbaru area, on the outskirts of Binjai City.

Zainuddin said he had written 4 times to the North Sumatra Police Chief in 2021 about the rampant circulation of narcotics in the area.

The single action, he said, was a delayed action that should have been carried out in December 2021. After a drug raid, it resulted in the sealing of 3 illegal discotheques in the area.

"But in reality on the ground, a week later the seals and police lines that were installed by a joint team from the North Sumatra Provincial Government, Medan Resort Police, Deliserdang Military District Command, National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Regional People's Representative Council of North Sumatra Province were forcibly opened by businessmen and built new barracks", said Zainuddin, Monday, August 8.

What made him angry was that the related parties did not respond to the opening of the seal and the police line by the businessman. In fact, drug transactions in the region are increasingly free and open.

"The locations of the three illegal discotheques that were sealed along with the drug barracks were only a few hundred meters from my residence. So that in the vicinity of my village and sub-district the impact was felt immediately", he explained.

This, he said, became the reason for carrying out a single action in front of the North Sumatra Police Headquarters. He wants the North Sumatra Police Chief to be more serious about dealing with narcotics trafficking.

"Only in the Tanjung Pamah area, do the dealers freely and openly sell and provide a place to consume their drugs without legal action", he said.

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