JAKARTA - Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo was placed in a special place (Patsus) at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, for the next 30 days.

"(For) 30 days information from Itsus", said Dedi quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 7.

The former Head of the Profession and Security Division of the National Police is suspected of violating procedures in handling the crime scene (TKP) of the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J at a halfway house in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

Previously, Ferdy Sambo was examined by the Special Inspectorate (Itsus) on Saturday, August 6, related to ethics in the handling of the Duren Tiga crime scene, and was immediately placed in the Special Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters for examination.

"(Special placement) is in the context of the examination. So it is not true that there was (arrest and detention)", said Dedi.

While being placed in the Special Forces, Ferdy Sambo was closely guarded by members of the National Police.

In addition to examining violations of the code of ethics, the Special Team (Timsus) of the National Police is also investigating allegations of criminal acts against 25 members of the National Police who violated unprofessional procedures for handling the Duren Tiga crime scene.

Of the 25 people being examined, said Dedi, four people were placed in a special place (Patsus) to prove the other, namely the trial of the code of ethics for being unprofessional in carrying out the crime scene, one of them was Ferdy Sambo.

Based on the results of the joint Special Examination Supervision Team examination of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, it is suspected that he violated the procedures for handling the criminal act of the death of Brigadier J at the shelter house of the Head of the Police's Professional and Security Division.

He said that based on the results of the Wasriksus or Special Inspectorate related to the matter, 10 witnesses had been examined.

From the statements of 10 witnesses examined and some evidence, Special Inspectorate determined that Ferdy Sambo was suspected of committing a violation related to the problem of unprofessionalism at the crime scene.

"Therefore, tonight the person concerned was immediately placed in a special place, namely the Brimob Police Corps", said Dedi.

In the case of the death of Brigadier J at Ferdy Sambo's official residence on Friday, August 7, the Investigation Team of the National Police Criminal Investigation Team has named Bharada Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu or Bharada E as a suspect, with the allegation of Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder in conjunction with Articles 55 and 56 of the Criminal Code regarding the conspiracy.

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