JAKARTA - Komnas HAM is still questioning the damaged CCTV at the scene of the shooting of Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat at the shelter of the former Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on July 8.

The chairman of Komnas HAM, Ahmad Taufan Damanik, even admitted that he was angry about the existence of the CCTV. In fact, CCTV is the key in revealing the case of Brigadier J.

However, the suspicion that something was wrong with CCTV was slowly proven by the step of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to remove 25 police officers. Taufan assessed that the removal could indicate involvement in the handling of this case.

"So this all depends on CCTV and the witnesses. I said at the beginning, if you read the news watching TV, actually I was angry, 'I will report to the president', that was my threat to say 'Hey you guys, don't lie about CCTV'," said Taufan in an online discussion, Friday, August 5.

"And last night you saw the National Police Chief take a stand for him to take action against the 25 people, although it can't be said for sure that they are guilty, but until someone is removed from their internal confinement, it's a strong indication that there are steps that are said to be obstruction of justice," he continued.

Taufan admitted that Komnas HAM had made a fuss over the existence of CCTV because it saw a problem related to it. He also considered that there was an attempt to make Bharada E the only person responsible for the death of Brigadier J.

"So we made a fuss about CCTV because we also saw other steps. But I can't open up the steps that seem to be trying 'later Bharada E will bear all this'," said Taufan.

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