JAKARTA - The Commander of the Military Police of Kodam (Pomdam) IV/Diponegoro Colonel Rinoso Budi explained the provisional results of the autopsy of Kopda Muslimin conducted by the TNI and Polri at Bhayangkara Hospital, Semarang, Central Java, Thursday afternoon, July 28.

In his statement, Colonel Rinoso explained that for now, Thursday, July 28, an autopsy has been carried out on Kopda Muslimin who was found dead at his parents' house at around 07.00 WIB, at his parents' house in Trompo Village, Kendal District, in Kendal, Central Java.

"From the external examination, no injuries were found due to sharp objects or blunt objects. From the results of the internal examination, there are signs of suffocation, which are suspected to be due to brain disease or poisoning.” said Colonel Rinoso, through the recording received on Thursday evening, July 28.

However, Colonel Rinoso said that in order to clarify the cause of Kopda Muslimin's death, a supporting examination was needed.

"It can't be done now, it takes a follow-up examination which takes two to four weeks and a lab test is needed to prove it."

The autopsy results also stated that the estimated death ranged from 6 -1 2 hours before the examination.

"So according to the findings of the report at 7 (morning) he was found dead. If the estimated time of death is 6-12 hours before the examination, it is true that the body died at around 7-7.30 by the family reported." he said.

Previously, Kopda Muslimin, the main mastermind behind the shooting of his wife, was reported dead. Based on information from the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, the Muslim Kopda was found dead at around 07.00 WIB, at his parents' house in Trompo Village, Kendal District, in Kendal, Central Java.

“When he came home, he kept apologizing, even his parents were asked to surrender. And communication arose between M and Mr. Mustahim (parents of the Muslim Kopda) to apologize. But at 05.30 she vomited, and was found at seven in the morning she died." explained Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, based on the recording received by VOI, Thursday, July 28.

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