MEDAN - A man named Hasiholan Lumban Tobing (60) became a victim of murder in Hamlet I, Rampa Village, Sitahuis District, Central Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra. The killer is the victim's cousin.

Central Tapanuli Police Chief, AKBP Jimmy Christian Samma, through the Head of Public Relations AKP Horas Gurning said the perpetrator had the initials MS (55). The perpetrator was desperate to slit the victim's throat because of the fire of jealousy.

The perpetrator was arrested on the same day while sleeping on Jalan Raya Sibolga-Tarutung. When arrested, the police secured the knife from the perpetrator's hand.

"The victim is the perpetrator's cousin's brother. The motive for killing the victim was because a jealous fire was burning. Because every man who talks to his wife will be jealous of the perpetrator. And the victim recently spoke with the perpetrator's wife", said AKP Gurning, Friday, July 22.

Meanwhile, based on the testimony of witnesses at the scene, the incident began when the perpetrator came to Aritonang's shop to ask about his son. But unexpectedly, the perpetrator immediately took a knife from the black bag he was carrying.

The perpetrator then stabbed the victim's left hand 3 times. At that time the victim tried to escape by jumping into the ditch, but the perpetrator continued to chase the victim, who was already injured.

"Then the perpetrator slit the victim's throat, then stabbed the victim's arm until the victim died. At that time the residents tried to secure the perpetrator but the perpetrator threatened to injure residents", he explained.

After stabbing the victim, he said, the witness saw that the perpetrator had tried to commit suicide

"The witness also saw the perpetrator stab himself in the stomach twice and slit his own throat with the knife he used to kill the victim", he said.

As a result of the suicide attempt, the perpetrator suffered injuries and received medical attention at the Pandan Hospital. Furthermore, the perpetrators will be referred to a hospital in Medan City.

"The Inafis team has processed the crime scene, then made a VER of the victim's body and also a VER of the perpetrator's wound to the Pandan Hospital, then handed over the body (of the victim) to his family with a statement that no autopsy was carried out", he explained.

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