BATURAJA - The District Attorney's Office of Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, destroyed evidence in the form of five illegal firearms and drugs from several cases handled throughout 2022.

Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Chief Prosecutor, Asnath Anytha Ida Tua Hutagalung, in Baturaja, Tuesday, July 19, said that the case for the destroyed evidence had been decided by the local court and had permanent legal force.

"Evidence destroyed today are objects that endanger others", she said.

The evidence for the destroyed drugs included 184.0143 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 45 ecstasy pills, and 835.994 grams of marijuana leaves.

Then the evidence from the crime, among others, five illegal firearms as well as 11 rounds of ammunition and 21 blades of sharp weapons.

"As well as the destruction of evidence of property as many as 55 clothes of perpetrators and victims of crime", said District Attorney's Office as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the Acting Regent of OKU, Teddy Meilwansyah, while attending to the destruction of the evidence, expressed his appreciation for law enforcement in the OKU area which has been going well.

"This activity is the implementation of law enforcement in OKU Regency which is considered to have gone very well", he said.

The destruction of the evidence also serves as socialization to the people of OKU Regency that there is no game from law enforcement in enforcing the rules in that area.

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