YOGYAKARTA - The habit of consuming alcohol not only has a bad impact on the health of the internal organs, but can also affect physical appearance. Alcoholic effects can affect a person's appearance or facial condition. So what are the characteristics of the face addicted to alcohol?
Alcohol has a diuretic trait that makes the body lose fluids more quickly, so that the skin becomes dry and dull. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption can cause various skin problems, changes in facial color, and signs of premature aging.
The faces of alcohol addicts often reflect the negative impact of these bad habits. If you look more thorough, you can distinguish the characteristics of an alcoholic's face from an ordinary person's face easily. Let's recognize any bad effects of consuming alcohol on facial appearance or health.
Alcohol affects the body and face through various mechanisms, ranging from direct effects on the skin to disorders of the body's metabolism. The following is an explanation of how alcohol can affect the condition of theimain:
Alcohol is a diuretic that triggers the body to dispose of fluids faster. The hydration that occurs causes the skin to lose moisture, making it appear dry, rough, and less luminous. This condition also makes the face look dull and exacerbate the appearance of fine lines.
Consumption of alcohol causes widening of blood vessels, especially in the face area. These wide blood vessels can break to create the appearance of red spots or veter Veins around the nose and cheeks. In chronic alcohol addicts, this condition often becomes permanent.
Alcohol can trigger inflammation in the body, including the skin. This inflammation often worsens skin problems such as acne or rosacea. In addition, alcohol affects hormonal balance that can increase oil production in the skin. This condition risks increasing the appearance of acne.
In some people, alcohol consumption causes the body to hold back fluids, especially in the facial area. This condition can cause the face to appear swollen, especially around the eyes, cheeks, and chins.
Alcohol damages collagen and elastin, two important proteins that keep the skin fast and elastic. As a result, these conditions are long-term alcoholic warrants often experience premature aging with skin that appears sagging, wrinkled, and loss of natural structure.
Alcohol interferes with blood circulation which has an impact on the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Lack of healthy blood flow causes the skin to look pale, unhealthy, or even yellowish in severe cases.
Hearts that do not function properly due to excessive alcohol consumption can lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. These toxins are often seen in the skin as rashes, itching, or even certain spots. In addition, liver damage caused by alcohol can cause the face to appear dull or evenly colored.
The faces of alcohol addicts often have recognizable characteristics, including:
That's a review of the facial characteristics of alcohol addicts that we may encounter on the street or even people we recognize. Alcohol has a bad effect on facial health that can make appearances or facial conditions look pale, older, dry and rough. Also read tips on how to be free from alcohol addiction.
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