JAKARTA - A number of popular foreign applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, and Google are threatened with being blocked by the government because they have not registered as Private Electronic System Operators (PSE) as regulated in Government Regulation No. 71 year 2019.

Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Muhaimin Iskandar, said that many people and government agencies used the application services.

He hopes the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) to communicate and ask domestic and foreign technology companies to immediately register PSE before July 20, 2022.

"If these applications are blocked, it will make it difficult for the public, government agencies, and the private sector to use these applications in their activities," said Gus Muhaimin in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 19.

On the other hand, Gus Muhaimin asked all domestic and foreign technology companies to register PSE in accordance with applicable regulations in Indonesia, considering that companies that have registered PSE can increase trust and a sense of security for Indonesian people who use the application.

"I ask the public not to worry about the Kominfo plan, considering that the blocking plan is the Indonesian government's firm stance to protect the personal data of its users, namely the Indonesian people, from data leakage or misuse, and to create a secure digital space," said Gus Muhaimin.

Previously, the Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny G Plate said that the Private Scope PSE regulation is mandatory for all technology companies, both foreign and local. All are required to register with the state. This step was taken to fulfill the statutory requirements no later than July 20.

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