SURAKARTA - The Surakarta District Attorney (Kejari) has collected 141 pieces of evidence related to allegations of corruption in loan funds from the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Revolving Fund Management Agency (LPDB KUMKM). In this case, the Kejari has named the Chairman of the BMT Cooperative Management, Nur Ummah, with the initials S as a suspect.
"We are still in the process of filing a case of alleged corruption in the LPDB KUMKM with the suspect with the initials S as Chairman of the BMT Cooperative Management, Nur Ummah, having his address at MH Thamrin Street No. 77 Kerten," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Surakarta District Attorney, Bakhtiar Ihsan Agung Nugroho in Surakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday July 13th.
Bakhtiar said that the Kejari investigators had also collected most of the documents belonging to the Nur Ummah cooperative regarding the submission of proposals to the disbursement of funds worth IDR 1 billion.
Of the 141 evidences that have been collected, he continued, some of them are cooperative financial documents, cooperative legality documents, and proposal documents for submitting financial assistance to LPDB KUMKM.
However, Bakhtiar has not been able to convey in detail the main points of the alleged corruption case with state losses of IDR 1 billion.
After the case file is declared complete (P21), he added, the case will be transferred to the public prosecutor (JPU). After that, the Public Prosecutor transferred the case to the District Court (PN) for the Crime of Corruption (Tipikor) in Semarang.
"We have also prepared eight public prosecutors to escort the case to trial. Delegation as soon as possible with the consideration of optimizing the investigation of the case," he explained.
Previously, the Surakarta Kejari revealed an alleged criminal act of corruption in loan funds from LPDB KUMKM to the BMT Nur Ummah Surakarta Cooperative worth IDR 1 billion.
The Surakartka Kejari investigator team arrested suspect S (70) on Wednesday, July 6, and examined 60 witnesses.
In this case, the BMT Nur Ummah Cooperative is suspected of engineering the books as if the cooperative suffered a loss and submitted a loan proposal to LPDB KUMKM in the amount of IDR 1 billion in 2011.
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