JAKARTA - The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and Perum Bulog of Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra) initiated the formation of a citizen-based economic ecosystem by establishing our Food House (RPK) at the sub-district level.

Deputy Chairperson of Kadin Sultra Sastra Alamsyah said that the formation of the RPK at the sub-district level was an effort to improve the welfare of the community by forming a community-based economic node. The entire community will be able to play an active role through the existence of the RPK.

"This program aims to provide basic needs such as rice, oil, sugar, and flour at affordable prices and guaranteed by the government through Perum Bulog," said Sastra Alamsyah quoting Antara.

He mentioned that strengthening the RPK is a strategic step to strengthen the people's economy. The RPK directly in the community can ensure that the basic needs of residents are met at low prices according to the Highest Retail Price (HET) set by Perum Bulog Sultra.

"The existence of this RPK is very important to meet the basic needs of the community, especially in the midst of increasingly difficult economic situations. We (Kadin Sultra) will encourage this RPK to be formed in every sub-district, even in every kelurahan," he said.

Head of Perum Bulog Regional Office of Southeast Sulawesi Siti Mardati Saing revealed that his party welcomed the steps taken by the Head of Southeast Sulawesi Regional Office. His party will also support the formation of the people-based RPK.

"The establishment of the RPK aims to bring services closer to the community and ensure the availability of basic commodities at affordable prices," said Siti Mardati.

He added that the establishment of sub-district-based RPK is expected not only to increase the distribution of foodstuffs, but also to open up new job opportunities and improve the economy of the surrounding community.

"Bulog strongly supports the efforts of the Southeast Sulawesi Chamber of Commerce and Industry to encourage the formation of RPK in each sub-district. This is part of our vision to increase public access to food at a reasonable price," said Siti Mardati Saing.

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