SURABAYA - The call to boycott French products in the aftermath of anger against French President Emmanuel Macron does not only occur in big cities. From a village in Pamekasan Regency, East Java, instructions came out to boycott stalls of French products.

This instruction was issued by the head of Panaguan Village, Daud Samsidin. An instruction letter for the village stalls to boycott French products was also signed by Midad Al-Qodiri's caretaker, KH. Husain Ali Kabrar; caregiver of Al-Haromain III, KH. Arif Mahalli; caregiver of PP Al-Awali, KH. Yoyok Mahalli, Great-grandfather Batu Ampar, KH. Imam Romli.

In the circular, it is stated that violators of the instructions of the village head will be subject to the sanction of "sold out by burning fire". The letter also featured logos of products from France that were calling for a boycott.

"Remembering the heinous deeds by the French State against Muslims through the creation and distribution of caricatures of the Prophet. So, the people of Panaguan Village have agreed, "read an excerpt from the letter read by VOI, Wednesday, November 4.

There are three points of agreement in the village head's instructions, namely:

1. Empty the shop / shop of the French products listed below by the end of sunset Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

2. Will not consume again until an indeterminate time.

3. Anyone who violates after being given a warning by the village head, is ready to be sold out by burning fire

Responding to this, the Regent of Pamekasan, Badrut Tamam, admitted that he did not know the circular letter. His party will first call the village head who issued the circular.

"We will coordinate, I will summon the village head to ask for an explanation from the statement. I will first ask the village head," said Badrut, when confirmed, Wednesday, November 4.

But Badrut confirmed that the letterhead in circulation was village letterhead. However, Badrut cannot confirm whether the letter circulating on social media is genuine or not.

"That's the village letterhead. (About the original letter?) Not yet, I don't know. I'll check it first. I don't know yet," he explained.

If the letter is proven to be genuine, then his party cannot justify the sanctions contained in the circular letter.

"Yes, from a legal point of view, it is not true. In point three, you know. (Regarding sanctions from the district government?) I will ask this first, I will first call the village head so that it is clear how the problem will be settled," he said.

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