GARUT - The Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) Branch Office in Garut Regency, West Java, continues to carry out social activities that have been programmed even though the central government has revoked the permit to collect funds.

"We are still focused on serving the community," said Head of the Garut Regency ACT Branch, Muhammad Dani Ramdani, as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 6.

He said that the problem of ACT as a humanitarian organization only happened at the center, it did not affect the regions.

Dani explained that the ACT organization was still running, which was frozen by the government in terms of raising funds.

"Because what was frozen was fundraising, not the organization," said Dani.

He explained that ACT in Garut Regency is still active in carrying out social movements to help people who need help, such as helping the poor, providing assistance to victims of fires, natural disasters and so on.

Regarding the problem of managing funds, he said, ACT in the regions did not manage it, all regional needs were provided by the central ACT.

"It's (the funds) that we don't manage, everything is purely given by the center and then we distribute it, after previously we submitted it first," he said.

Dani revealed that there are six employees of ACT Garut who get a salary every month according to the district's minimum wage, while the number of volunteers is approximately two thousand people.

He conveyed that all people involved in ACT Garut work sincerely because of their humanitarian nature, often spending private money to help people in need.

"Purely wants to help others because it is humanitarian, so we don't think about salaries, even we have to spend personal money to help other people," he said.

Previously reported, the Ministry of Social Affairs revoked the permit for the Implementation of the Collection of Money and Goods (PUB) that had been given to the ACT Foundation in 2022, due to the alleged violation of regulations by the foundation.

The revocation was stated in the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 133/HUK/2022 dated July 5, 2022 regarding the revocation of the permit to collect donations to the Aksi Cepat Tanggap Foundation in South Jakarta which was signed by the Ad Interim Minister of Social Affairs Muhadjir Effendi.

Previously, the Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police investigated reports of alleged fraud and statements of falsification of authentic deeds with reported high-ranking officials from the humanitarian organization ACT, namely Ibnu Khadjar and Ahyudin.

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