JAKARTA - Criminal threats can be imposed on anyone who commits adultery and commits cohabitation. Both of these are regulated in Article 415 and Article 416 of the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP).

Article 415 of the RKHUP states that a person who commits adultery can be subject to a criminal sentence of one year. In addition, there is an additional penalty in the form of a fine.

"Everyone who has sexual intercourse with someone who is not their husband or wife will be punished for adultery with a maximum imprisonment of one year or a maximum fine of category II", reads the article quoted Wednesday, July 6.

Meanwhile, in Article 416, people who live together without marital ties or get together can be subject to a criminal sentence of six months. They may also be fined.

"Everyone who lives together as husband and wife outside of marriage is punished with a maximum imprisonment of six months or a maximum fine of category II."

However, the RKUHP limits those who can report this article. Complaints can only be made by the husband or wife of a person who is bound by marriage.

Meanwhile, for those who are not married, it can only be reported by parents and children. "Complaints can be withdrawn as long as the examination in court has not started."

The government through the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej or Eddy, submitted the latest draft of the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) to House of Representatives Commission III.

There are several changes in the RKUHP which cover 14 crucial issues including attacks on the dignity of the president and vice president, adultery and cohabitation, to rape.

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