SURABAYA - The Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, expressed his deep condolences for the death of the PAN RB Minister, Tjahjo Kumolo. Khofifah remembers the deceased as an exemplary figure.

"The deceased is an egalitarian figure or views all members of the community as equal. So he is not just a true democrat. I think he also provides equal treatment for all people," said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Friday, July 1.

Khofifah admits that she has known Tjahjo since he was a member of the KNPI. That friendship, said Khofifah, continued when he was both a member of the DPR, and was subsequently trusted to enter the ranks of President Joko Widodo's working cabinet.

"At that time he was the Minister of Home Affairs and I was the Minister of Social Affairs. Then he continued his position as MenPAN RB," he said.

When Tjahjo Kumolo was still serving as Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), continued Khofifah, he often emphasized the importance of registering people who were categorized as unregistered people, so that they could access social protection programs.

Khofifah also assessed that Tjahjo Kumolo also has a very strong concentration on treating the nation's citizens equally. Therefore, Khofifah believes that the good things she did during her life caused the person concerned to die in a state of khusnul khotimah.

"He was called on Friday morning and God willing, it will be a sign of his goodness, which was planted in many lines during his tenure," he said.

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