KALTENG - Member of DPRD Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, Hamdani filed a lawsuit to the Kuala Kapuas District Court (PN) due to objections to his dismissal as a member of the United Development Party (PPP).

"We object and very strongly reject all legal actions taken by PPP, both at the central, provincial and Kapuas district levels," said Hamdani, through his attorney, Sukarlan Fachrie Doemas, in Kuala Kapuas, Antara, Friday, 1 July.

Sukarlan expressed his objection to the dismissal of his client, both as a member of the PPP and as a member of the current Kapuas Regency DPRD.

For this, Hamdani sued in a civil case at the Kuala Kapuas District Court which was registered Number: 16/Pdt.SusParpol/2022/PN Kuala Kapuas.

According to Sukarlan, based on the results of a juridical review of all the letters written by PPP and its staff related to this issue, it is a letter which according to him is legally flawed and invalid.

The dismissal, he said, contradicts the PPP Bylaws (ART) Article 5 paragraph (5) of the ART which states that the dismissal of PPP members must be at the suggestion of the Daily Executive of the Sub-Branch Leadership through the Daily Executive of the PPP Regional Leadership Council (DPW).

After the person concerned has been temporarily dismissed by the DPC and has been given three written warnings in a row for a maximum period of 15 days and a maximum of 30 days.

"And (there are) other reasons that we can't explain in detail here," he explained.

He also asked all levels in the government who would later process the dismissal of his client not to continue the process.

"In particular, we ask the leadership of the Kapuas Regency DPRD, who is currently receiving the PAW proposal from the PPP DPC of Kapuas Regency, not to continue the letter to the Governor of Central Kalimantan through the Kapuas Regent," he asked.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the PPP DPC in Kapuas Regency, Darwandie, when confirmed and met at the local DPRD office, was reluctant to comment on this issue.

Because we believe that the enforcement of the code of ethics for commission personnel is part of efforts to strengthen the eradication of corruption carried out by the KPK.

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