SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government and the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) ensured that the program to redeem the diplomas of hundreds of high school students of the same level who had previously been detained by the school for arrears on tuition was right on target.

Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji said the city government and Baznas Surabaya had recently redeemed the diplomas of 729 high school students from 2020-2021 who were previously detained by the school because the students still had administrative arrears for educational assistance donations (SPP).

"The total budgeted cost to redeem the diplomas of 729 students from 25 schools has reached Rp. 1.7 billion," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 30.

According to him, the Rp1.7 billion that was used by Baznas to redeem diplomas came from zakat paid by state civil servants (ASN) within the Surabaya City Government.

He said that the Surabaya City Government is currently still recording the certificates of students from Surabaya who are still being held at their schools.

According to him, the existence of this diploma redemption program will help the community remember that high school and vocational high school diplomas are used for job application requirements.

"Don't let it be because you can't show your diploma that you end up unemployed and don't work," said Armuji.

The Deputy Mayor explained that the proposal for certificate redemption could be made through the village, sub-district or directly to the Surabaya Baznas office on Jalan Medokan Asri Baru X No 19, Rungkut District, Surabaya.

Of course, he said, with the provision of filling out the form provided and attaching proof of the status of low-income people (MBR).

"I would also like to thank the voluntary ASN friends who are willing to set aside 2.5 percent of their salary to help the people of Surabaya in need," he said.

He also said that apart from redeeming diplomas, through the Surabaya Baznas there was also wheelchair assistance and food packages for underprivileged residents.

"The synergy between the City Government and Baznas is very positive to help the residents' difficulties," said Armuji.

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