PANDEGLANG - Head of the Banten Province Coordination Forum for the Prevention of Terrorism (FKPT) KH Amas Tadjuddin said that women are considered more effective as agents of peace to prevent radicalism and terrorism that have the potential to divide the unity and integrity of the nation.

"We hope that the soft approach activities involving women's empowerment can counteract the understanding of terrorism and radicalism," said KH Amas Tadjuddin, in Pandeglang, Wednesday 29 June.

Prevention of terrorism and radicalism involves all parties, including women. Women who have a gentle attitude can become agents of peace to ward off terrorism and radicalism.

Thus, the Banten Province FKPT carries the theme "Top Women Viral Peace" which is considered capable of preventing terrorism and radicalism.

"We hope that women can play an active role in preventing radicalism and terrorism," he emphasized.

Head of the Banten Province State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Zulkarnain explained that the role of women or mothers can provide understanding to their children to instill the ideology of Pancasila, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), the 1945 Constitution, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

The understanding is that the Indonesian people have a diversity of beliefs, ethnicities, social and language differences.

In the midst of this diversity, it can be implemented in everyday life to counteract radicalism in the family sphere.

"What are the efforts to ward off radical ideas to children, don't be exposed to radical movements that are a challenge for all of us," he said again.

The Head of the Women and Children Division of the Banten Province FKPT Siti Nurasiah said that women must be wise in using digitalization and be able to filter any news or information in social media content.

Currently, he said, there is a lot of news and information that spreads hoaxes, pits one another, and hate speech that can divide unity and integrity.

"We urge women to filter in receiving information and news in social media content," he also said.

The 'Top Women Viral Peace' activity was attended by the Head of Sub-Directorate for Environmental Security of BNPT RI Setyo Pranowo, UI Social Observer and Vocational Lecturer Devie Rahmawati, and the Banten Province State Intelligence Agency (BIN Banten) Zulkarnain.

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