PEKANBARU - The Immigration Office (Kanim) Class II Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) Bagansiapiapi arrested an asylum seeker from Myanmar with the initials YNM, for committing an immigration crime on June 2, 2022. The suspect was arrested by Immigration officers at the reception counter for Republican Travel Documents Indonesia (DPRI/passport), on suspicion of being a foreigner who will issue a passport. "We managed to secure this Myanmar citizen when he applied for a passport file. The suspect attached Indonesian resident documents, namely Identity Card (KTP), Family Card (KK), Deed Birth and Marriage Book. All documents are invalid or fake, "said Head of Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Mhd. Jahari Sitepu in his statement, in Pekanbaru, Sunday, June 26. asylum from Myanmar. After the suspect was examined and also the witnesses against concerned, the status of examination is raised to an investigation. Currently, the suspect is being detained and deposited in the Class IIA Bagansiapiapi Prison for the next 20 days starting from June 23 to July 12, 2022. With this incident, the Head of the Riau Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office hopes and advises all immigrants in Indonesia, especially refugees and asylum seekers to always be kind and obey all applicable rules and don't make noise in this country.

"We realize that refugees and asylum seekers in Riau can't wait to be transferred to a third country. Just follow the rules, don't try to break the law. This is what happens if you violate, we will immediately punish the suspect," said Jahari. Agus Susdamajanto added that the Myanmar citizen was detained on June 2, 2022, for providing invalid data or incorrect information to obtain travel documents for the Republic of Indonesia. then the suspect will be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 5 years and a maximum fine of IDR 500 million," he said. The suspect, who lives in the Raja Bejamu District, Sinaboi District, Rokan Hilir since 2020, also has a wife and children.

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