JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Susanto appealed to manufacturers to provide toys that are safe for children.

"There are three important things that need to be confirmed regarding the children's playroom, namely the availability aspect, the safety and comfort aspect, and the utilization aspect," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 15.

He added that the availability of children's toys was needed, but it had to be ensured that they were safe and used properly.

From the production side, he said, the need for children's games is quite large, but not all children's toy products are safe, even many do not meet child safety standards.

Various risks of using unsafe toys, such as ingestion, choking, damage to hearing aids, harm to the eyes, pinched, cut, scratched, electrocuted, exposure to hazardous chemicals, burns, and other potential risks for child users.

Therefore, the safety aspect must be a top priority.

"We appeal to manufacturers of children's toys, safety must be a priority, don't just increase production, without paying attention to safety. This should not happen, because safe toys are the essential rights of children," he said.

On the other hand, the utilization aspect must also be a concern. Education on the use of appropriate toys is needed in order to prevent user risks.

“Especially if there is no companion, of course, the vulnerability of children can occur. This needs to be anticipated so that the availability of children's toys provides optimal benefits for children's growth and development," he explained.

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