JAKARTA - The General Treasurer (Bendum) of Pro Jokowi Volunteers (Projo) Panel Barus said that his party wanted an extension of President Joko Widodo's term of office for another half term or to 2.5 periods.

This statement is in contrast to the General Chairperson (Ketum) of Projo Budi Arie Setiadi who wants Jokowi to serve one more term to 3 terms.

"In my opinion, what makes more sense is not 3 periods, but 2 and a half periods. The mechanism of 2 and a half periods means that adding (terms of office) is more likely, there is more energy," said the Panel in a discussion in Jakarta, Sunday, June 12.

The panel revealed that the extension of the term of office, which had previously been echoed several times, still had the potential to occur. Considering that world-class conflicts such as the wars between Russia and Ukraine that are happening today can have an impact on the political and state situation in Indonesia.

Although currently the implementation of the 2024 General Election starting from regulations, election stages, to budgeting has been prepared, the Panel views that it is possible to extend the term of office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"For us, this is a political possibility. This global uncertainty cannot be underestimated either. If suddenly there are extraordinary conditions, it could be a decisive factor (postponing the election). If the 2024 election is the country's political agenda that is already underway. the 2 and a half periods can still ride in the middle of the road later," he explained.

Furthermore, the Panel stated that it is more possible to extend Jokowi's term of office for 2 and a half years from 2024.

Because, if Jokowi serves 3 terms, then it is against the 1945 Constitution and the amendment must be changed. This will surely cause turmoil in parliament again.

"In these 3 periods the effort is so great, and the will of the people is a condition, not to mention the amendment changes. If the 3 periods in parliament fight again. If there are 2 and a half periods in parliament there is no need to fight anymore, just an extension," said the Panel.

Previously, Projo General Chair Budi Arie Setiadi explained why he had echoed Jokowi's proposal to serve for 3 terms. Budi claims this is based on the survey results.

"There are still aspirations and desires in the community. Indeed, the survey 67 percent rejected 3 terms, but there are still 33 percent, meaning that 1 third of Indonesians still want Pak Jokowi for 3 terms, but constitutionally it's not possible," said Budi. Senayan Parliament Complex, Saturday, 11 June.

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