MAKASSAR - A mob blocking a road near the Makassar State University (UNM) campus, Jalan AP Pettarani clashed with residents. A car was set on fire.

"We do not yet know (the cause), we are still throwing it (at each other)," said Kapolsek Rappocini, Makassar, Kompol Ashari confirmed by VOI, Thursday, October 22.

The crowd previously closed the road near the Makassar State University (UNM) campus, Jalan AP Pettarani.

From VOI's monitoring, the masses blocked the road using stones. These stones are lined up in a line in the middle of the road.

Not only that, a group of masses also blocked Pettarani, Telkom, near the Hotel Claro and detained a truck to be used as a stage for speeches.

Road blocks make motorists have to turn the direction of travel. Some led to Alauddin or chose to reverse the vehicle.

Drivers who want to pass on Jalan Sultan Alauddin are advised to choose the Jalan Hertasning route.

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