MEDAN - Medan District Court Judge (PN) sentenced Zulkifli (44) to death, a motorized pedicab driver who became a methamphetamine courier. Zulkifli was proven proven to be a 52 kilogram shabu courier.

"Sentenced Zulkifli to the death penalty," said chief judge Saidin Bagariang at the Medan District Court, Thursday, October 22.

The panel of judges considered that the defendant Zulkifli's actions violated Article 114 paragraph (2) of Law Number 35/2009 on Narcotics.

"Namely without rights or against the law, offering to sell, sell, buy, receive, become an intermediary in buying and selling, exchanging or handing over narcotics class I in non-plant form weighing 52,040 grams," said the judge.

In considering the verdict, the defendant was deemed not to support the government's program to eradicate drugs. Apart from that, there was nothing mitigating the defendant.

"Meanwhile, the things that relieve the defendant were not found," said the judge.

Regarding the death sentence, the defendant Zulkifli, through his legal advisor, Sri Wahyuni, expressed his thoughts. The decision of the panel of judges is the same as the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) who previously charged the defendant with a death sentence.

This case occurred in December 2019, when the defendant in a motorized pedicab handed over two packs of crystal methamphetamine to Alwi who was on the wanted list. When the defendant was driving a bentor, BNN officers stopped the defendant and conducted an examination.

Found 2 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine on the seat. The defendant kept the rest of the methamphetamine at home.

"The defendant and the evidence were immediately secured by the Central BNN officers, then the defendant admitted that the other methamphetamine was kept in his house," explained the prosecutor during a trial some time ago.

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