SURABAYA - Commission A for Legal and Government Affairs of the Surabaya City DPRD has requested an investigation into the alleged sale of goods resulting from the control of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) by high-ranking officers of the local Satpol PP. Commission A member of the Surabaya DPRD Arif Fathoni in Surabaya, Monday 6 June, said the Satpol PP is an institution that is given the authority to take action against violations of regional regulations (perda) and mayoral regulations (perwali). Previously, it was reported that Surabaya Satpol PP officers were suspected of selling control items in the Surabaya Satpol PP control storage warehouse on Jalan Tanjung Sari Baru 11-15, Sukamanunggal District, Surabaya, not according to the procedure. If it is converted into rupiah, the results of the Satpol PP control items that are sold are worth hundreds million rupiah. So far, said Arif Fathoni, the Satpol PP already has a good reputation for taking a humanist approach in every action, so it should not be tarnished because of the actions of deviant persons like that. to the public, so that the public does not wonder where this case will lead. However, there is certainty from the agency concerned that the guilty must be dealt with firmly," he said. With this incident, he hopes that the internal control over the performance of Satpol PP members by each division head will be strengthened again. "There will be periodic performance audits so that Disgraceful cases like today will not be repeated in the future," he said.

"If it is not thoroughly investigated and legal action is taken against the person suspected of being the perpetrator, it will tarnish the face of the Surabaya City Government and will set a bad precedent in the future," said Awey. Of course the person did not do it alone. "There is a possibility that this alleged violation was not carried out by just one person, but it could be that more than one person was involved," he said. Head of Surabaya Satpol PP Eddy Christijanto said his party was currently following up on the findings. However, Eddy was reluctant to mention who the senior Satpol PP officials were. According to Eddy, his party had reported the incident to the Surabaya Inspectorate. On May 25, 2022, the Inspectorate directly inspected the warehouse, and carried out inspections of related parties so far. In addition to inspections from the Inspectorate, he said, his party also continued to carry out internal inspections until May 31, 2022. Furthermore, Eddy also brought the case. to the realm of law and is currently still under investigation. "On June 2, 2022, we asked the Surabaya Police for assistance to conduct an investigation into the matter," he said.

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