JAKARTA - The South Jakarta City Government (Pemkot) has issued a regulation so that animal breeders must first carry out a quarantine process. This must be proven through a letter that has been signed by the local government.

The Coordinator for Supervision of Animal Products from the Ministry of Agriculture, Imron Suandi, explained that foot and mouth disease is caused by a virus. This virus usually spreads to two-hoofed animals such as cows and goats.

"For Indonesia, based on data from the Ministry of Agriculture, this virus is already endemic in two provinces. Namely in the provinces of East Java and Aceh," said Imron in his statement, Sunday, May 29.

Imron confirmed, based on the results of research that had been done, that the virus was actually not harmful to humans. This is because this virus is only transmitted between two-hoofed animals.

"Especially for mouth and nail viruses, this virus is present in animals with two claws, so it is very rare that it jumps to humans. So there is no need to worry from the side of human health," he said.

Therefore, Imron appealed to the public not to panic even though this disease is currently endemic in a number of areas which has spread to thousands of animals including cows and goats.

"So people don't have to worry about their human health," he said.

Meanwhile, the Rapid Response Agency (ACT) plans to launch the "Kudu Kurban" program ahead of Eid al-Adha. It is known that the target for the distribution of qurbani is up to 60 countries.

"It consists of 18 countries on the Asian continent, 7 countries in the Middle East and Syria, 28 countries on the African continent, and 7 countries on other continents," said Global Qurban President, Mukhti.

In addition, Mukhti said that 385 cities or 34 provinces in Indonesia were not spared from this year's qurban distribution targets.

"Socially, qurbani can make poor people happy who have never enjoyed meat because the price is quite expensive. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, their economy was also getting worse," he concluded.

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