JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) has deployed 200 Central Jakarta City Satpol PP personnel to secure Masses during the celebration of the Ascension of Jesus Christ in several churches throughout Central Jakarta.

"Tomorrow, we will monitor churches with around 200 city-level Satpol PP personnel", said Central Jakarta Satpol PP Head, Bernard Tambunan, when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, May 25.

Bernard assessed that because the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) situation was still level 1, his party would still monitor the health protocols for church members who were present at tomorrow's celebration.

"Because it's still level 1, if you're in a closed place, wear a mask, except outside", said Bernard.

Meanwhile, the Satpol PP started guarding on Thursday, May 26, from morning to evening.

As is known, the celebration of the Ascension of Jesus Christ will also be held at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta. The Cathedral Church asked all congregations to continue to obey the health protocol.

Public Relations of the Cathedral and the Archdiocese of Jakarta, Susyana Suwadie, confirmed that the Cathedral Church will hold a Mass at the celebration of the Ascension of Jesus Christ.

"We ask all congregations to keep the procedure forward, such as wearing masks and those who are not in good health are asked not to come", she said when contacted by reporters, Wednesday, May 25.

Even though the government has allowed the public to take off their masks, she continued, and her party appealed to the congregation to continue to wear masks in the church.

"The use of masks is still in the church, right in the church, if you are in the church room and the hall you enter the room so you still have to wear a mask", she said.

In addition, Susyana said that her party had untied the ropes on the church chairs. However, she still asked the people to obey the health protocol.

"Even though the boundaries in the church have been decided, the people will still be asked to sit down, following the rules. There are blocks", she said.

She explained that the capacity of the congregation to commemorate the Ascension of Jesus Christ was 1,300 people. According to her, the capacity is not yet 100 percent full.

"At the current capacity, we can accept 1,300 people, but it's not 100 percent full yet. If it's full, it's around 2 thousand more", she said.

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