JAKARTA - Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), General Commissioner Boy Rafli Amar, asked all campus officials to work together in preventing radicalism and terrorism. Because the spread of this understanding has begun to spread to students.

"The war against radical terrorism requires support from all parties, especially campuses because whatever violence in words and actions is contrary to the ideology and noble values of the nation", said General Boy while leading a public lecture at Bung Karno University (UBK), Jakarta, Wednesday, May 25.

The spread of radicalism and terrorism within the campus was proven by the arrest of a student with the initials IA in Malang, East Java.

From the results of the investigation of Special Detachment 88 Anti-Terror, the student had a relationship and had time to communicate with the suspected terrorist network of Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD).

Therefore, General Boy Rafli asked all campus officials to be involved in preventing the spread of radicalism and terrorism.

This is because campuses are at the forefront of building a spirit of resistance against ideologies that are not in line with the nation's ideology.

"The task of BNPT is to remind all parties to build understanding, togetherness against the ideology of terrorism, because usually if there is an identified campus, it can be anticipated based on cooperation with the academic community", he said.

The three-star general also said that UBK, which had signed a cooperation agreement with BNPT, was asked to continue teaching Bung Karno's teachings in understanding, knowledge, and awareness. That way, radicalism will not affect the students.

"A more civilized understanding of divine spirituality in participating in building the nation's character according to the ideals of the Founding Fathers, namely Pancasila on a wider scale both in terms of competence and quantity, so that the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which we love and honor", said General Boy Rafli.

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