JAKARTA - The chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR), Puan Maharani, has asked the government to consider the plan to revoke the policy to impose restrictions on community activities (PPKM). If the PPKM is revoked, the Government is obliged to prepare a mature strategy.

"There needs to be a mature and comprehensive strategy regarding the plan to revoke the PPKM so as not to cause excessive euphoria in the community," said Puan, Wednesday, May 25.

Puan understands that the COVID-19 condition in Indonesia is getting under control. Even so, according to Puan, careful planning is needed to keep the public aware of the virus that still exists.

"We all have to be able to understand that COVID-19 is still in our midst. Anticipation must be done so that people remain aware of this virus when the PPKM policy is revoked," she said.

Puan also reminded that the World Health Organization (WHO) has yet to officially revoke the pandemic status. He asked the Government to continue to work with experts and epidemiologists to evaluate PPKM policies.

"Find the right formula so that when the PPKM is later revoked, the community is ready and understands how to remain careful and alert in carrying out their daily activities," explained Puan.

"We don't want the revocation of the PPKM to form a mindset that Indonesia is free from COVID-19. Because the lack of awareness of this will trigger a spike in cases," added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Furthermore, Puan asked the Government to consider the community's readiness to face the loosening of regulations. Including people's psychology, which of course is no longer the same as before the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

"How about the psychosocial behavior of the community towards new habits after COVID-19. Don't let friction occur because of the lack of community readiness to face a new era of life after the pandemic," said Puan.

The grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, also asked the Government to continue to coordinate with the DPR regarding the plan to revoke the PPKM. Puan reminded the Government to be aware of the various possibilities that could occur if the policy was implemented.

“The COVID-19 pandemic still creates uncertainty. Viruses are still mutating. We also need to reflect on the experiences of other countries whose cases have increased again when they started to carry out massive easing," she said.

Apart from that, Puan feels grateful because now many regions have increased their PPKM status. He invited the public to continue to be disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"With the awareness to continue to be aware of the spread of COVID-19, I am optimistic that our situation will get better and Indonesia will reach the end of COVID-19 more quickly," concluded Puan.

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