KENDAL - Personnel from the Narcotics Unit at the Kendal Police have arrested a man with the initials RAK (25) who is suspected of being involved in a case of trafficking narcotics pills, Alprazolam and Lorazepam.

The man, who is a resident of Terate Tengah Rt02/II, Teratemulyo Village, Weleri District, Kendal Regency, has been detained by officers since Friday, May 20, at around 11.00 western Indonesia time, near his house.

"The perpetrators of RAK were arrested by officers based on information reports from the public regarding the circulation of psychotropic drugs among youths in the Weleri District. Then a series of investigations were carried out by members of the Narcotics Unit of the Kendal Police," said Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit Commissioner Adjutant Agus Riyanto SH, Saturday, May 21.

On the basis of this information, the Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit said that the Kendal Police Narcotics Unit personnel were pursuing RAK.

"Officers received information that the RAK was in front of the terrace of the house being gathered together and then carried out a search and found 23 tablets of Aprezolam type cigarettes and two packets of 3 strips containing 10 pills for a total of 30 pills.

When interrogated in the field, the Head of Narcotics Research at the Kendal Police said that the RAK perpetrator admitted that the Aprezolam pill found by the officers was his purchased at Shoppe Online.

"The perpetrator together with evidence of 1 (one) pack of Anoa cigarette box which contained 23 (twenty three) pills of the Aprezolam type, the personnel secured a total of 30 pills of the Aprezolam type and 1 tablet of the Lorazepam type and a purple Xiaomi Note 9 cell phone," said Commissioner Adjutant Agus Riyanto.

For his actions, the perpetrators of RAK are suspected of Article 62 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics with a maximum threat of 5 years in prison.

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