LAMPUNG - The Lampung Provincial Government (Pemprov) has begun to tighten the supervision of the entry of livestock between regions to prevent the spread of mouth and nail disease (PMK) in these pets.
"We do not prohibit the traffic of livestock trade from Java to Lampung. But only to tighten the supervision," said Assistant II for Economy and Development of Lampung Province, Kusnardi, in Bandarlampung, Wednesday, May 11.
He said the tightening of supervision on the entry of livestock into Lampung from various regions was carried out to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease to livestock which was spreading in several areas.
"It seems that based on the latest report, none of our livestock has contracted FMD, but we will continue to monitor and coordinate with related parties to keep the livestock healthy," he said, quoted by Antara.
According to him, every animal that enters from various regions to Lampung must be with the knowledge of the relevant agencies and carry out laboratory tests. If anyone enters without a permit, it is considered illegal livestock.
"The Livestock Service has coordinated with the Quarantine Centers in Lampung and Banten. To be more alert to the entry of livestock from the east to Lampung," he added.
He explained that the pattern of handling and supervision will be carried out when Jembrana disease in livestock spreads.
"When the Jembrana disease spreads, we isolate livestock from outside the area, and to cattle that are sick. The pattern is still the same used to deal with this," he said.
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